7 Fun Side Hustles to Work with Kids

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

You've probably heard that working becomes very challenging after you have kids. You have a complete set of new responsibilities. The constant tiredness and lack of sleep make things more complicated.

However, that only means you must change your strategy to solve your new issues. A new approach may include hiring a babysitter, finding a remote job, or getting help from your relatives.

All the options mentioned above are great, but if you want to be independent of others and decide what's best for your children, a work-from-home job is the right choice.

The question is how to juggle a job and kids at the same time when both of these require your full attention. Luckily, some jobs will give you all the benefits of remote workers and put the basis of the lifestyle you want for your family.

In this post, we'll have a deeper look into the side hustles of working as a parent that are kid-friendly. A job should be fun, less time-consuming, remote, and relevant to be suitable for children.

Let's explore the 7 side hustles:

1. Babysitting

Ironically, when you care for your children, you can turn this into your full-time job. This endeavor includes benefits for your kids, like socializing and making new friends. You will also spend a lot of time with your children and teach them to be less selfish.

Many mothers chose babysitting as their career path when their kids were young and loved it so much that it remained their job for long years.

Kids are adorable, and spending time teaching them feels like a blessing. Moreover, engaging with different children will help you understand many behaviors of your child.

The best part is you can work from your place or go for walks, depending on your arrangement with the children's parents. If the kids nap, you will also have time to relax.

2. Photographer

If you love taking photos, consider using your skills professionally. One of the advantages of photography is the flexibility of the job.

Not all types of photography would fit your family lifestyle, but nature, pet, food, and product photography can be a great way to monetize your skills while caring for your family.

Your child can also benefit from this job of yours, especially grown-up children. Their curiosity will push them to ask questions and learn to take great shots themselves.

3. Handmade products

If you are good at crafts, why not create unique art, jewelry, or souvenirs you can sell? You don't need a website for this, as platforms like Etsy exist. You can create an account with them, personalize it and upload photos of your items for sale.

You will be surprised how many people are interested in handmade products. Be patient and persistent in pursuing this idea. The results will follow soon enough.

To get an idea of what you can sell, here is a list:

  • Clothing like T-shirts and sweaters;

  • Healthy & beauty products like soaps and cosmetics;

  • Digital products like courses and templates;

  • Handmade souvenirs made of wood, glass, or metal;

  • Printables like planners and kid products.

Creativity is limitless if you decide to start your brand. The more you sell, the more you will know what's the most sought-after and do more of it to maximize your profit.

4. Cooking

If you enjoy cooking, you can start a home-based small business. Baked goods are a great start. Preparing them will also be fun for your children.

Remote jobs have changed the way we think about working. Kids can participate in food preparation and help you grow your business. Who said work should be fun?

5. Gardening

The variety of gardening side hustles is vast. You can plant and then sell herbs or vegetables. The kids will be excited to learn a new skill and be close to nature.

They will expand their views and knowledge of different species, and you will get an extra hand. Going a step further than this, you can organize a kids' gardening workshop.

Such a venture will not only help your child learn but will also be beneficial for many other children. It's a win-win situation for all members involved in the process.

6. Vlogging

You can start a YouTube channel with your child and share fun experiences. Another option is advising viewers about a topic you're knowledgeable about and learning with your kid as you create the videos.

Vlogging is an excellent option as it teaches children how to be helpful by watching your example. A video is all about being beneficial to the viewers and starting such a side hustle can make you grow as an individual.

7. Blogging

Blogging about motherhood if you are a mother or travel if you are a traveler: it all comes in different shapes and niches. It's up to you to reveal your full potential and knowledge to your readers.

Your children can participate, too! Use their humor or fun adventures to inspire you in your posts. As adults, we sometimes tend to forget life should be fun. Borrow their youthful thinking for a more positive outreach in your publications.

At first, it will be overwhelming, but later on, blogging becomes super intuitive and seamless. Practice is the key, as it is with any new skill. Just keep going, and be consistent.


Working with kids is a huge challenge, but overcoming it will make you stronger and more independent. It's no secret that jobs and kids are incompatible to a certain extent. However, if you use your job options wisely, you can land a dream project to work as a family.

To go a step further, you can give your kids their earned money directly, and they can choose how to spend it. Imagine this type of independency, all possible now with remote work. I wish I had these possibilities when I was a kid!

Having a side hustle and being a good parent at the same time is best solved when making it a priority. Focus on making it work, try different approaches, and never give up. It's how you will achieve the life you've always wanted.


Nelly is the owner of theworkmaster.com.

Nelly has been a full-time freelancer for the past 8 years, working on individual contracts with remote job providers. She enjoys this lifestyle and is happy to provide helpful resources to beginners in this area.


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