ConvertKit vs Beehiiv: Which is the Better Newsletter Platform for Your Small Business?

ConvertKit logo on the left, with a graphic depicting "vs" and the Beehiiv logo on the right.

Putting your thoughts out into the world with a newsletter is a great way to build an audience and boost your personal brand. But which newsletter platform is best to build on?

If you're a parent (and you probably are if you're here), you're always looking for ways to supplement your income and boost your earnings. And if you've spent much time online (rhetorical statement, I know), you've likely seen the rise in email newsletters.

It seems like everyone has a newsletter these days. Even podcasters who are a dime a dozen are building lists of subscribers and sending out weekly, if not daily, updates. So, it's easy to think that the market is pretty saturated when it comes to newsletters, right?

Well, you may be surprised to learn that you can create a pretty nice side hustle with an email newsletter. If you have a passion, a few minutes to write, and a few friends to sign up, you can start building a newsletter in no time.

And with the rise of email marketing platforms, you can throw together a fast landing page and put your audience building and affiliate marketing on autopilot.

Two of the top email marketing platforms are ConvertKit and Beehiiv. Both offer all the features you'd need to launch and maintain a newsletter, and both come with free plans and email templates to help you get started.

But the key is knowing which one to pick and stick with as you start to bring in more subscribers.

I've used both of these email marketing platforms extensively for my own projects, so I thought I'd break down the pros and cons of each to help you decide which is the better fit for your side hustle ambitions.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links you’ll find below are affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you.

The TL;DR:

Beehiiv is the better newsletter platform choice for most creators and side hustlers looking to start an email list.

While ConvertKit offers more advanced features, Beehiiv provides an excellent combination of ease of use, affordability, unique growth tools, and an engaged creator community - allowing you to effortlessly build your newsletter audience with fun, innovative distribution channels.

After switching my Knocked-Up Money newsletter to Beehiiv, I saw some massive growth. In the first two months my newsletter:

  • Total Subscribers increased 254%

  • Open Rate increased 8.3%

  • Click Rate increased 99% (my prior click rate was pretty terrible)

Here’s a visual of my Beehiiv dashboard:

Needless to say, I’m a fan. If you do decide to check out Beehiiv, use my link to get a free 30-day trial plus 20% off for the first three months of any paid plan.

Wait… Aren't Email Marketing Campaigns only for Businesses?

Not anymore. There was a time when only enterprises invested in big words like "strategic funnel email marketing strategies integrated with top ad network affiliates."

But don't let the marketing terms scare you - we're talking about the tried-and-true email nurturing sequence that probably hooked you into your last purchase online. You show interest, the company sends you some inspiring content via email, and sooner or later they end up convincing you to finally try the product (with a discount code, of course!)

One of the best ways to build ongoing revenue as a parent is by directly selling products or services or sponsored ads through an email newsletter. Whether you're into sustainable cooking or motorcycle repair, there's an audience out there who is ready to read your content and become a loyal follower.

So, what keeps people from actually creating an email marketing newsletter that generates money?

Usually, it's the heavy lifting of creating the newsletter, building an audience, and staying consistent. When you're doing all the work, it can feel impossible to keep going - especially if you don't see quick results.

Luckily, the right email marketing platform offers all the automation and tools you need to write, send, and build an audience with far less effort. And they're so effective that a ton of options are starting to pop up on the market.

Two of the biggest contenders in the email service providers arena are ConvertKit and Beehiiv.

The Quick and Dirty on Both Beehiiv and ConvertKit

ConvertKit and Beehiiv are email marketing services that allow you to capture subscriber emails, send out newsletters and broadcasts, sell digital products, you name it.

They're both designed specifically for bloggers, creators, coaches, course sellers, and the like - in other words, perfect for many types of online side hustles for busy parents.

ConvertKit is a known entity in the space, having been around since 2013. It's led the way in the rise of the newsletter zeitgeist, with everything from custom landing pages to referral programs and more.

Beehiiv is the younger upstart, launched in 2021, that's quickly gaining traction by offering a streamlined, user-friendly platform at an impressively low price point. If getting into the weeds of marketing is a bit overwhelming, Beehiiv is built to give you a place to write and send - pretty straightforward.

I've been using Beehiiv for my parenting blog's newsletter over the past two months, and I'm incredibly happy with the experience so far. What surprised me was just how fast the numbers started to roll in. My email list grew by 60% in just the first month after switching over - which was far better than I could have expected.

Naturally, not all email newsletters are the same, nor are their email marketing platform counterparts. So, which is right for your future must-subscribe personal newsletter?

Let's look at both ConvertKit and Beehiiv and see which has the comprehensive features and existing tools to give you the most bang for your buck.

What is ConvertKit?

ConvertKit has been one of the leading email marketing platforms for creators and online businesses since its launch in 2013. It brands itself as an easy-to-use tool that provides "email marketing for creators."

At its core, ConvertKit allows you to capture email subscribers, send out email broadcasts and newsletters, and set up automated sequences and customer journeys. But it's the wide variety of features that ConvertKit has built in over time that are impressive:

  • Advanced Automations - Use tagging, triggers, and rules to create complex automated sequences based on subscriber behaviors and actions.

  • Subscriber Segmentation - Sort your subscribers into groups and labels for custom messages.

  • Email Sequences - Build automated sequences of emails to nurture new subscribers, deliver courses, and sell digital products.

  • Commerce Features - Sell products/services directly through ConvertKit using their integrated checkout forms and payment processing.

  • Incentive Emails - Create opt-in incentives like downloadables or newsletter swaps to rapidly grow your subscriber list.

  • Landing Pages & Forms - Build landing pages and embeddable opt-in forms to capture new subscribers via customizable forms.

  • Third-Party Integrations - Connect to a huge ecosystem of third-party tools like web builders, course platforms, webinars, etc. You can even use API access if you're fancy like that.

In general, ConvertKit caters well to bloggers, podcasters, entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, and course creators. If you jump on their website and browse the top newsletters and creators, you'll see quite a few who are well-known in the industry and are looking for a fast and simple way to keep content flowing to their audience.

However, ConvertKit has more features than you may need, and if you are brand new to the newsletter game, it may be a bit overwhelming.

Pros and Cons of ConvertKit

ConvertKit has become synonymous with email marketing over the years, but like any tool, it has its strengths and weaknesses.

Pros of ConvertKit:

  • Advanced Automation Capabilities - The ability to create advanced automation rules, sequences, and subscriber funnels is unmatched. If you need this level of sophisticated marketing automation, ConvertKit delivers.

  • Tons of Integrations - ConvertKit integrates directly with a vast ecosystem of third-party tools for things like website builders, course platforms, webinars, payment gateways, and more.

  • Subscriber Segmentation - Granular segmentation allows you to organize subscribers based on interests, behaviors, purchases, etc., for automated personalized messaging.

  • Easily Set Up and Sell Products/Services - The commerce features allow you to sell products/services and process payments directly through ConvertKit.

A newer feature of ConvertKit is their Sponsor Network. Once you hit 10,000 subscribers, they’ll help you get premium sponsorships for each newsletter.

Cons of ConvertKit:

  • Higher Price Point - ConvertKit's pricing is on the higher end, especially as your subscriber numbers grow into the thousands. Affordable options are limited for smaller lists. For example, while Beehiiv offers a free plan up to 2,500 subscribers, you’ll be paying at least $40 per month on ConvertKit. This may not sound like a lot, but lets say you have 50,000 subscribers. You’ll pay between $199-299 per month on Beehiiv and $316-$433 per month on ConvertKit. Check out ConvertKit’s pricing page for more details.

  • Complexity - With all its powerful features comes a degree of complexity that can have a learning curve, especially for non-technical users. You may get overwhelmed quickly if you're new.

  • Basic Email Builder - While functional, ConvertKit's email composer and template options are a bit limited and dated compared to some alternatives. You'll find yourself spending a lot of time digging around and customizing the templates yourself to give them a personal feel.

  • Limited Reporting - The reporting and analytics features are helpful but basic compared to some other email marketing platforms. You kind of need to know what you're looking for and how to interpret it from scratch.

Top Newsletters Using ConvertKit

Atomic Habits by James Clear

As the New York Times bestselling author of "Atomic Habits," James Clear has leveraged ConvertKit to rapidly grow his newsletter audience to ~2M subscribers worldwide.

Contrarian Thinking By Codie Sanchez

Codie Sanchez is well known for her content around “boring businesses” and currently owns ~26 of her own. Codie’s newsletter just surpassed over 700,000 subscribers worldwide.

The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday's "The Daily Stoic" is one of the most popular newsletters on ConvertKit, with over 320,000 subscribers. Each morning, Holiday sends out a 500-word email applying the teachings of ancient Stoic philosophy to modern life.

What is Beehiiv?

Bear with me for a silly comparison: If ConvertKit is the Chevrolet of email marketing platforms, Beehiiv may just be that fancy new electric vehicle you can’t take your eyes off of (and seriously, it drives itself?!)

Beehiiv is relatively new, launched in 2021, and brands itself as specifically built for creators, bloggers, and online businesses. Their goal is to help anyone build an audience with their newsletters and start making money via affiliate programs, paid sponsorships, and more.

I love Beehiiv for the plug-and-play features that make it so easy to use. A lot of the features are the same as ConvertKit's, but feel much more intuitive and less intense:

  • Email Campaigns - Beehiiv lets you create email broadcasts, newsletters, and email sequences to send to your subscriber list.

  • Subscription Forms - Generate embeddable opt-in forms to capture new subscribers from your website or landing pages.

  • Automations - Set up automated email journeys to nurture new subscribers, deliver lead magnets, and promote products/services.

  • Segmentation - Organize your list into segments based on interests, behaviors, etc., for more targeted emails.

  • Analytics - View performance metrics like open rates, clicks, engagement, etc., to optimize your email content.

  • So, the basics are all there. But here's where Beehiiv stands out:

  • Affordable Pricing - Beehiiv is much more affordable than ConvertKit. Beehiiv’s free plan includes up to 2,500 subscribers with unlimited sends (ConvertKit is only 1,000 subscribers). The difference in price becomes more apparent as you gain subscribers. If you hit 100,000 subscribers, you’ll pay between $299-$399 per month on Beehiiv and $566-$733 per month on ConvertKit. Check out Beehiiv’s pricing page for more details.

  • Clean, Modern Interface - This is my favorite part - Beehiiv is visually appealing and has an intuitive dashboard that's easy to navigate and use. Plus, Beehiiv integrations and email templates hold their own against ConvertKit's best features.

  • AI Writing Assistance - Leverage AI tools directly within the email composer to generate content ideas and optimize existing text. Whether you love AI or hate it, it helps to have a creative block-breaker sometimes!

  • URL Embeds - Quickly turn any URL into a visual embed summary to boost your email content. I love this for sharing my favorite posts from around the web or to give the newsletter a fun look. It's just one of the many customization options that Beehiiv brings to the table.

Pros and Cons of Beehiiv

As a relative newcomer to the email marketing space, Beehiiv has some clear advantages but also some potential drawbacks - so you'll want to look closely and try it out before you put all your eggs into one basket.

Pros of Beehiiv

  • Affordability - With a free plan for very small lists and affordable paid plans, Beehiiv is extremely cost-effective and beats the ConvertKit pricing. The $299/month top tier for up to 100,000 subscribers is impressive. Again, you can quickly pay for it with a referral program or affiliate purchase - and you should be able to do that by the time you need to pay for anything.

  • Simple User Experience - The modern, clean interface is very intuitive and user-friendly, especially for basic tasks like writing emails. The writing space is clean, and there are tons of easy hotkeys and shortcuts to help you give your newsletter the exact look you want.

  • Growth Tools - Features like Boosts, embeddable subscription forms, Referral Program, and its native ad network are aimed at list growth for paid newsletter creators. This is one of Beehiiv’s best features - and you really feel that the team behind the platform is invested in helping creators build their audience.

Cons of Beehiiv

  • Limited Integrations - Beehiiv currently has limited direct integrations with third-party tools compared to more established platforms. However, the team is always adding new ones, so this won't be a limiting factor for long.

  • Newer Platform - As a relatively new platform, Beehiiv hasn't been battle-tested as long as some competitors. But so far, my experience with the entire system has been excellent.

  • Limited Commerce - Other platforms like ConvertKit are primed for running your business and selling products directly - but Beehiiv is still getting there.

Beehiiv offers a fantastic blend of ease of use, modern features, list growth tools, and unbeatable affordability - making it extremely appealing for bloggers, creators, and small businesses prioritizing email marketing on a budget.

Top Beehiiv Newsletters

The Daily Drop

Boasting over 1 Million subs, The Daily Drop is one of the top Beehiiv-powered newsletters to date. This daily newsletter is all about travel rewards - from finding cheap fares, earning miles and points, and maximizing rewards on loyalty programs.


A newsletter with over 300,000 subscribers, Milkroad brings Crypto to your inbox on a daily basis. This was one of the fastest growing newsletters on Beehiiv and is extremely well known in the Crypto space.

Miss Excel

Another fun one on Beehiiv is Miss Excel. Best known for combing music and dancing with Excel tips, Miss Excel powers her newsletter with Beehiiv. This newsletter showcases the Beehiiv customization options that help automated email sequences feel like personal social posts.

The Battle of Email Marketing Platforms - Beehiiv vs ConvertKit

While both Beehiiv and ConvertKit offer robust email marketing tools for creators, Beehiiv has really pulled ahead lately in creating an innovative and seriously fun experience for newsletter owners. Their modern platform is all about simplifying the process of building and growing your newsletter audience - and the generous free plan is great for those on a tight budget.

Beehiiv feels like both an email marketing tool and a vibrant creator community. Their team is constantly rolling out fresh features and ways to promote your newsletter organically across their network, and the interface for writing and building your email makes it fun - not a drag that you want to avoid every week!

I personally made the switch to Beehiiv for my Knocked-up Money newsletter a few months ago, and the experience has been a game-changer.

The combination of an easy-to-use product and robust distribution is hard to beat. For creators looking to rapidly grow their newsletter in a fun, innovative environment, Beehiiv is definitely leading the pack right now.

Quick Tips to Launch Your Own Money-Making Newsletter

You may not realize it, but people are genuinely interested in your unique thoughts, stories, and areas of expertise. An email newsletter provides the perfect platform to start sharing your voice and building a loyal audience.

If you've been thinking about finally launching that newsletter idea, here are some quick tips:

  1. Focus on a specific niche or topic area that truly interests you. Your authentic passion will shine through.

  2. Decide on a publishing cadence you can realistically stick to, whether that's daily, weekly, or monthly emails. Consistency is key.

  3. Create a simple, mobile-responsive email template that's easy to read and on-brand for you.

  4. Craft a compelling incentive like a free PDF, email course, or video series to attract new subscribers.

  5. Promote your new newsletter through existing channels like social media, your website/blog, and offline networking events.

  6. Make it fun! Use casual language, inject some humor and personality, and don't take yourself too seriously.

The great thing is that getting started is easy and low-risk. With Beehiiv's free plan, you can publish an email newsletter for up to 2,500 subscribers without paying a cent.

It's one of the best ways that you can start dipping your toes into the newsletter world and see if this path has the potential to build you a nice side hustle (or at least an engaged audience!)

So what are you waiting for? Building an email newsletter is not a big deal when you have a tool that makes it so easy.

Sign up for Beehiiv today and launch that newsletter idea you've been sitting on - your first subscribers are waiting. Plus, if you use my link to check out Beehiiv, you’ll get a free 30-day trial plus 20% off for the first three months of any paid plan.


Jeremy is a husband, dad, FinTech marketer, and blogger. While he may be a marketer by day, his passion is helping others live a more financially-fit life.


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